I post about many different kinds of problems. Some are from the many years of my own experiences, some from friends and family and church and some from the world around me. I address these problems, not for the purpose of "venting," or "attacking," or "taking cheap shots." I have lived by the idea that only a coward hides behind his pulpit to take pot shots at people, and I live by the adage, "never let 'em see you sweat (or shiver)" because no one respects a whiner.
I address these various problems in order to help others who are either being ensnared by the same kind of problems, and/or encourage those who are being injured by the same kind of problems. I am a spiritual mechanic. I offer help for those who need it. I don't charge for it, but it is not just homespun philosophy. It is the things learned through years of Christian service, study and spiritual growth. I try to pass on things that I believe are consistent with Scripture and God's will.
It is just who I am and what I do. Hopefully you won't need these ideas. However, if you have a friend in need, maybe my words can be a help.
And by the way, I don't think I am the only one with these ideas. However, through the years most pastors have abandoned the shepherding and counseling of people and no longer address the needs of people because they have bought into the lie that the Bible does not have the answers. Instead they refer people to humanistic, worldly psychological counseling, which exacerbates the problems rather than solves them.
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