Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Family values and relationships originate with and are modeled after the TriUne God.

There is One God in Three Persons and these three Persons are of one mind, one will and one purpose.

Various traits or attributes are inherent to God, such as Love, Power, Wisdom. Unity in the Godhead is another essential and inherent characteristic.

When God created the human race He communicated (imparted) some of His attributes to mankind, though in a limited form (love, intelligence, life, etc.). He also adapted some of His non-communicable traits to humans (eternal life rather than eternality, self-determination and UNITY with Himself, with family, with community).

Adam and Eve were created from one flesh to be "one flesh." This is the model for the marriage relationship.
The first family was created to be of one mind. This is also the model for all families.
The human family was instituted to conform to the values, principles and behavior found in the Holy Trinity.

Adam failed to keep his unity with God;
Adam and Eve failed to keep their unity in marriage;
The first family failed to keep their unity with one another;
The first community failed to keep unity with one another;
Israel failed to keep the unity of the faith and submission to the King and kingdom.

God gave the world another opportunity to enter into unity with Himself and with one another when Christ rose from the dead and created the Church on the day of Pentecost. That which had been lost in the Garden, lost in the pre-Noahic days, lost during the days of the Patriarchs and the kingdom was offered again through the mystical union of believers with Christ, through the Church.

Salvation makes it possible for individuals to enter into unity of purpose with God, into unity of marriage, into unity with family, into unity with the community of believers.

However, very few actually enter into the full salvation that God offers. Most believers begin but then leave the path of God (as did the Israelites in the Exodus and in the kingdom days.)

Just as there was an Abel and an Enoch and a Noah, and an Abraham, and a Joseph, and a Samuel, and a David, and an Isaiah, and an Ezekiel, so there can also be the faithful Paul and John.

We decide whether we will be God's chosen vessel because many are called, but only the faithful are chosen.

The world is determined to not be in unity with God and His people.
Believers often turn back from unity with God and His people.
YOU and I need to make our choice and follow God fully.

God can still impart spiritual and relational unity to individuals, to marriages, to families, to churches.
Don't miss out on this great blessing and adventure of faith.
Believe, surrender, follow, submit.

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