05/04/17 Be careful the trail that you blaze.
Parents must carefully lead their children in the right path of life. Who knows, the children may even decide to follow that course. If they don't follow, then they have chosen the way of Cain.
Siblings must carefully observe God's directive to honor parents rather than join the Cain mentality of rebellion. When one offspring is disrespectful, it runs like wildfire through their brothers and sisters, gendering a mob mentality that mocks and marginalizes parental guidance, authority and wisdom, and eventuates in broken relationships and ruined lives. Sadly, as the years go by, it is easier for the offspring to go down the paths of disrespect than to forge a strong relationship with their parents based on honor.
I find the example of Abel to be stirring. Abel did not choose to join in with Cain's rebellion. Abel chose to do that which was right and pleasing to God. Abel was willing to lose his brother, his closest friend, rather than compromise truth. Abel chose a path that led to persecution and even death.
Disrespect also leads to death; the death of a loving and living relationship between parent and child. Death to the positive influence of parents also precludes the positive influence that could be passed on to the grandchildren.
People want to live their lives with no attachments and no obligations. It is not possible. Either we submit to God's directives or we blindly follow Satan's dictates.
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