Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Sinning religion boldly and erroneously says that Christians cannot live without sinning, at least for an extended period of time (like 5 minutes or so).

OK, let's just say that Christians can only go without sinning for 5 minutes (although they are equipped with the word of God, the Holy Spirit of God, the Blood of Christ, the promises of God, the grace of God, the fellowship of believer. Do you ever hear those promoters of defeatist religion praising God for deliverance from sin for one minute? or three minutes? or 5 minutes? OF COURSE NOT. Think how traumatic it would be for them to live a half an hour in faithful obedience to God... or an hour... or a day.

Imagine the shock to their systems to find out that God's commands and promises are NOT empty taunts and Divine mockeries. More than that, imagine the total change that would take place in their lives if they really trusted Christ for SALVATION. But sadly they are shielded from the deliverance of God by the lies of the devil, and then have the audacity to say that they are witnesses of truth.

On the other hand, if God is able to enable believers to live a minute, three minutes, five minutes, a half an hour, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or longer without disobeying God's commands, why wouldn't they take what they can get from God and be thankful? Instead of praising God with those who testify to victory over sin, even for a short time, the sinning religionists are quick to point out that any short lived victory over sin is bound to end and the Christian will be right back in the grip of the flesh, the world or the devil. God cannot even get their praise for momentary victorious grace over sin.

OH, ONE MORE THOUGHT... How sad is it that the devil gets the praise for believers failing, and God is robbed of His praise when He empowers believers to live according to God's will.

If God can save you from sinning for 10 seconds, then He can save you from sinning until you die or until the rapture.


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