Saturday, July 15, 2017



Those who know me, know that I have been staunchly opposed to the policies of Obama and the Liberal, Democrat Party. It is not that was ever a follower of Reagan,(though he did many of the right things for this country) or a follower of either of the Bush's. There were issues in their personal views and behavior that were contrary to Biblical Christianity, as well as good things that they did for our country. Still, I was not a "party man" or a man follower. Clinton brought a whole new level of arrogance and lawlessness to the White House, and Obama completely changed the fabric of American political power and oppression, favoring Islam, baby murder, Bible hating, Christian bashing and persecution, sanctity of marriage (officially and legally), American culture, human rights, race relations and the general well being of the nation. Obama brought the greatest attacks on traditional values and the American freedoms of any President I have ever seen.

Trump is no savior, no angel, no saint. He has done and said and lived a life that rejected God. But up to this point, for whatever reason or reasons, Trump has not been at the forefront of an all out attack against this country. Yes, he may have made choices that were not the best of this country and he may make even worse choices in the future. But that is not the issue. NO PRESIDENT HAS undermined America, decency, morality, the rule of law as much Obama. AND HILLARY WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE.

Therefore, I do not nominate Trump as the best man of the year, but I am sooo glad that God gave us a respite from the abominable team of Liberals. This period of time is good for believers to do all the good we can, while we can, without oppressive intervention of the State.

God uses wicked men to accomplish His will. I prefer it when God finds someone who is not viciously opposed to God's word, God's people, God's standards. Things can go totally wrong in a moment.

We should give thanks for this time or opportunity and rejoice that we were not saddled with Hillary or some other Liberal loon.

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