Tuesday, July 11, 2017

06/20/17 YOU NEED THIS

06/20/17 YOU NEED THIS


Sinning religion denies and denounces the Biblical revelation that God can or will cleanse believers from all sin, and that God can or will empower believers to live holy lives. As a result, the victims of such devilish teaching do not attend churches that preach victorious living over sin, resulting in sub-Biblical living. They may go to churches that preach moral standards, but in effect they are preaching legalistic rules and regulations, since they are calling people to do, in the flesh, what they deny God miraculously enables them to do in the Spirit. They are guilty of the very thing (legalistic following of rules), which they blame on those who believe God for victory by walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Holiness of heart and life is the result and the proof of salvation, while fleshly rule keeping is the standard of those who do not believe in Divine deliverance from all sin in this world.

Now here is my point. Attending a church and being enlightened through the preaching and teaching of men who believe the Biblical message of victorious living, provides the constant encouragement and leadership that draws and drives people in the way of truth. This is God's method of building and equipping believers for their spiritual walk and warfare. If personal responsibility and Biblical righteousness are not proclaimed, then the hearers are being denied the truth that sets them free.

Imagine children who are raised in homes with no moral standards or no consequences for wrongdoing. Imagine children being constantly bombarded with temptation, deception, intimidation to do evil, while not having leadership that demands moral accountability or counsel that builds character. God directed parents to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, rather than provoking them with unreachable standards. Likewise, God provides the same discipline for believers through the ministry of the church.

A church that does not equip, enable, encourage its people to holiness of heart and life is a church that is provoking the believers to live spiritual lives, while denying the power of God, which produces spiritual living. Those who do not teach and preach Divine deliverance from the pollution and power of sin are leaving the believer in the chains of bondage, to sin and to Satan.

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