Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Proverbs 11:14
(14) Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
(trust me, the following thoughts make sense)

I like to fish.
I would rather fish, and catch no fish, than to not fish.
I would rather catch fish than not catch fish.
I would rather catch small fish (in my cast net) than no fish (hook and line).
I would rather catch lots of big fish in my cast net than small fish on hook and line.
I would rather catch big fish on hook and line.
So, it turns out, I like fishing AND catching.

But I don't always catch fish.
However, I do look and listen, so that I might learn.
I sometimes learn from people who know much less than I know, but they may know ONE thing I need to know.

I ask questions, I observe, I read, I listen. I am willing to be counseled, taught, instructed in the art and science of fishing.
I ain't proud.

LIKEWISE (here it comes) I am still open to spiritual counsel. I prefer to get my help from a person who is wiser, deeper, but I will listen to a donkey if he is speaking truth.

Sadly, I know people who were born perfect and have improved their status with every new day. They have never liked counsel and they only listen to counsel that fits their own BRAND of truth. They don't open their heart to anything that does not have their own image on it.

The sadness is not only that they are conceited and foolish, the sadness is that they block God from communicating with them, because they CANNOT BE COUNSELED.

The multitude of counsellors to which God's word refers includes Scripture, Holy Spirit, godly and seasoned saints, as well as learning by observation and examples. Humility is a lifeline that can bring you to safety, pride is an anchor that will drag you down.

Pride (conceit, arrogance, self satisfaction), being sin, actually leads a person to not only resist and reject godly counsel, it leads the haughty person to follow false teaching.

Drop the self absorption and open up to spiritual guidance if you want real safety.

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