Saturday, July 15, 2017

07/14/17 SECOND UPDATE on Watchtower visitors.

07/14/17 SECOND UPDATE on Watchtower visitors.

On June 24, I posted a video recounting my witnessing to two false witnesses who came to my house.

On July 8, I updated by saying that the Watchtower people had not returned, as they said they would, to respond to the Biblical concepts I had shared with them.

GOLD STAR showing up.
On July 13 the man who visited me in June showed up at my house with his wife (I actually wondered if he knew that I had posted only a week ago that they had not returned, as they said they would).

Here is an abbreviated recounting of that meeting.
wm = Watchtower Man
DLG = me
() = editorial comments by me.

Give me a few minutes and we can talk.

I am only going to be five minutes,

(First clue that this was not going to be a real conversation. What he really meant was, I am going to tell you something and then I am gone.)

Come on in and have a seat.

Remained standing and started to talk.
(This was the next indication that he was not here to talk with me, but at me, so I also stood).

When we talked before you brought up a passage in the book of Luke.
(He indicated that he wanted to start with this passage because the Bible says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God).

(I agreed that I had brought up Luke, but I had made it clear that the Bible does not say that Jesus was "flesh and blood" in the Luke passage, but rather in His resurrected body, Jesus was flesh and bone, since He had shed His blood for the sins of the world. I pressed that point until he finally admitted that to be the case. I went on to say.)

But the Luke passage was not the first passage I brought up. I actually pointed out that Jesus said He would raise His own body after being dead for three days.

(Sheepish smile, knowing that he was about to lose the first round.)

In fact, that was the main point. Jesus raised Himself from the dead.
(I held my ground until he finally conceded the point.)
So, you agree that Jesus said He was going to raise His own body from the dead?

(Hesitating, hem hawing, shuffling).

Is that what the Bible says or not?

(After more evasion he finally admitted that is what the Bible says, but he quickly added that we need to read other Scripture to find out what that means.)

No we don't. We can accept what Jesus said right here in this passage. But yes, we need to know if other Scripture seems to say something else. So tell me, where in the entire Bible are we told that Jesus did not raise Himself from the dead?

(more shuffling.)
But we need to know what Jesus meant by that.

I know what Jesus meant. He meant what He said. He said He would raise His body from the dead. You do agree that He was raised from the dead, right?
(I knew he should then tell me that God raised Jesus from the dead, since that is what they usually do.)

(He then wanted to get over to the Luke passage, and I knew why).

But the question is about this passage. This was the first passage I asked you about and you have had several weeks to research it. Did Jesus say He would raise Himself from the dead, yes or no?

You want to control this conversation, don't you?
(A funny statement coming from a false witness, since that is how they ensnare Biblically illiterate church folks all the time. They are the masters of evasion and conversation control."

I want an answer to the question. Did Jesus say He would raise His body from the dead? Remember, you already said He was raised from the dead.
(He started to tell me again that we need to know what the rest of Scripture says.)

Actually, the Bible talks about resurrection many times. Even Job, back around the time of Abraham, said he would see Jesus in the flesh. The whole Bible proclaims the resurrection of the body.
(He nodded his head in feigned agreement).
And I believe the Bible. You do not believe in resurrection. You believe that Jesus MATERIALIZED a body, but I believe He raised it from the dead.

(He agreed and then started to tell me that materialization is what we should understand and not resurrection).
The Bible also says that Jesus came into a closed room. How could He do that if it was a raised body?

The human body is not a solid mass, (then pointing to my wall) and this wall is not a solid mass. Physical objects are actually made up of moving matter. You do agree, right?
(He agreed that physical objects are moving molecules.)

Do you not think that God can cause those molecules to move in such a way that one object could pass through another.
(He agreed that God could do that. But then I said,)

Even if we were solid bodies of mass and not moving molecules, I WOULD STILL BELIEVE THAT JESUS COULD PASS THROUGH WALLS.
Jesus was not a materialized body, He was a raised body from the dead.

Show me all the passages in the Bible that says Jesus materialized a body or that any body was materialized after death. It does not say that. It says raised and resurrected but never says materialized.
(Of course he could not give passages on materialization instead of resurrection, so I pointed out that he does not believe the Biblical record, but rather believes the JW position.)

There is not one verse in the entire Bible that denies the resurrection or refutes the word resurrection, but there are several verses that say Jesus was raised from the dead. You choose to believe MATERIALIZE but I believe what the Bible says.


It could not have been Jesus' body after His death, since flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
(Yep, you read that right. He kept wanting to ride that dead horse of an argument. He already acknowledged that Jesus referred to His body in Luke 24 as FLESH AND BONE, not FLESH AND BLOOD.)

(I corrected him again and called him out for twisting Scripture.)
Jesus corrected and reproved the disciples because they thought He was only a spirit, rather than a resurrected body.
Jesus said that a spirit does not have flesh and bone, as He had.
Jesus said touch me and see, that it is I myself.
Jesus said it was His hands, His feet.
Jesus refuted the lie of denying the resurrection.

(At this point WM was done, and ready to leave. Actually Mrs. WM was ready to leave as soon as I started addressing the word of God.)

On his way out the door, WM said that we would never settle this.
I said I had already settled it because I believe the Bible, but he will have to face it everytime he uses these verses and denies that Jesus raised Himself from the dead physically.

I told him he needs to quit listening to the Watchtower and start believing the Bible.

And off they drove.

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