Sunday, September 17, 2017


Through the last several decades I have exposed and addressed the problem of Secular Humanism taking over the Public School systems of America. I have documented and warned Christians, churches, parents, educators and churchmen about the attack on our children and our faith. Throughout these decades I have had Christian parents, pastors, educators tell me how alarmist I was and how I was wrong. Usually they argue, "Our school is different." I could address this lie, but I have other fish to fry.

Even today there are Christian parents, pastors, educators and churchmen who will defend the totally corrupt, anti-family, anti-Bible, anti-Christian, anti-Christ, pro Socialist, pro Atheist brainwashing system, called Public Education (properly called Public Schooling, State and Humanistic Indoctrination). We live in a society that has been mentally and spiritually and socially and morally raped and made captive to the most outrageous concepts and behavior.

Through the years I have listened to "good ole boys" brag about how they would not allow various things to happen. They bragged about taking action, even armed resistance, if the Government ever tried to push that agenda on them. DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. I told them at that time that they would do nothing and look where we are now. THEY DID NOTHING. (The real tragedy is that the wielders of the Sword of the Spirit also did nothing).

I am not advocating violent resistance by Christians. I am simply pointing out that those who cry PATRIOT have lined up with, and bowed down to the the wicked State at every juncture. I never said I would take up the sword of steel, because I know that Christians are not called to fight with carnal weapons. However, I did say I would stand and fight with the word of God and not simply rattle my saber.

When Christians had the opportunity to speak up for prayer, for the Bible, for the unborn, for sexual purity, for social decency, for family values, for all things moral, Christians shifted with the tide and gun toters hid behind the NRA, but allowed every kind of wickedness to run over them.

Now look at our society. IT AIN'T COMING BACK. But that does not change the responsibility of Christians to HOLD THE FORT. Remember, Noah did not win the world, but he did get his family through the CATACLYSMIC DELUGE. If you are late on building your ark, YOU BETTER GET BUSY NOW, 'CAUSE THERE IS A BLOW COMING THAT YOU CANNOT STOP.

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