Wednesday, September 13, 2017


You might like this, from about 5 years ago.

I want to share a story with you about something that happened in our church some time in the past. I have left out some names because I am addressing a principle and not a personality. Since this was shared openly with the entire congregation, I am not sharing a confidence.

During services I give opportunity for people to share what is on their hearts, such as praise, prayer, questions, exhortations.

God spoke clearly and definitely to a visitor concerning a situation in his life. The visitor said he had opened his home and life to a young man, who in turn robbed him and his family of money and a computer. The visitor admitted that he was angry enough with the thief to punch his face in.

When the person said this, a five year old reacted dramatically, with shock and disbelief on her face. She turned around in her seat, looking to see how the Seaside Chapel children and adults responded to this admission of anger and intent of violence.

You have to remember, we preach/teach/live Biblical non-violence, and active love for those who mistreat us. The children in our church are raised with a New Testament mindset, they hear holiness of heart and life in every service. Except for the world around them they are not exposed to violent or abusive people, and even cruel talk is not acceptable.

After service, the mother told me about the child's reaction and I asked her if she had asked the child to articulate her thoughts. She had not had an opportunity, but she was going to talk to her later.

So, here's how the conversation went.

I asked her what she thought of about when someone was talking about their house getting broken into and their stuff being stolen, and the person said part of him wanted to forgive the guy but part of him wanted to punch his face in.

Five year old...
Her face got really serious and she said, "That's a bad thing. He should just live with it."

I asked what should he just live with.

Five year old...
And she shrugged her shoulders like she didn't understand what I wasn't understanding, and said, "Having his stuff taken." Then she looked off and was thinking so I was quiet and she said, "I don't know..maybe that person who took stuff is like, someone's friend or somebody's husband....I don't want him to get punched. (long pause) - Maybe that man will just forget about punching him."


That was the conversation and I didn't press her about it anymore, because it was upsetting to her that someone would think that way. I told her that she was right, that we shouldn't have those kind of feelings toward others and that we should love people no matter what they do to us or our things.

Pastor David's response to the visitor...
I was glad that our visitor felt free to share. I was glad for the opportunity to encourage him to do the right thing. His wife and daughter also offered words of wisdom and exhortation, and read from Matthew 18. I pointed out that if we don't forgive, we will not be forgiven and that God can cleanse our heart from such carnal inclinations.

However, my main point is the reaction of the little child: "That's a bad thing. He should just live with it,"
"I don't want him to get punched... Maybe that man will just forget about punching him."

Actually, the reaction of the child should be the reaction of all adults. Yes, there is more to dealing with crime than this little story, but for followers of Christ, it must begin here.

I was overwhelmed that a five year old has such a grasp of Christian ethics and grace. I was pleased that she evaluated and articulated her position so clearly. I am glad to have a church where little children learn that people are more important than stuff and that grace and mercy are better than judgment and vengeance. Just so you know, this was worth more to me than all the wealth this world has to offer.

We have a great message; may we never clutter it up with temporal and carnal action.

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