As I have been reworking and republishing my earlier articles, I am reminded that sometimes people have said that I seem to "want to start an argument."
My observation has been that when I say things that other people like or agree with, then I am not starting an argument. Isn't that strange? hehehe
Also, I don't really argue about the best color for eyeshadow or the best Tiddely Winks players or any other issue that is simply a matter of personal preference, even if it is a matter of national debate.
Some folks know everything about everything and they are not satisfied until they tell you why you are wrong. It is as if they have no reason to live, except to live your life for you. NOW, that is the person who is trying to start arguments.
I address and take a position on issues that have Biblical importance. I preach and teach that Christians should not try to be the Holy Spirit to other people or try to guide their every step or judge their every movement.
However, when people do not agree with my position they want to reduce my observations to the rantings of a mad man. To be honest, sometimes a person does not even understand my point of view because they are so blinded by the errors of their own gurus.
My point is this. If we don't address any of the hot button topics (Biblically speaking) of the day then we are allowing our society to skip mindlessly into hell. We need to be clear in our understanding about the vital issues of life. Remember,
In essentials, Unity.
In non-essential, Liberty.
In all things, Love.
We must speak the truth in love.
Yes, even if you speak the truth, it will be called error by someone.
Yes, even if you speak in love, it will be viewed as pride, arrogance, judgmentalism.
It is not always easy to walk this tightrope. Sometimes we should not even try, and sometimes we just have to throw the lifeline and not take it personally when others curse us for caring.
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