Thursday, September 14, 2017



I have often wondered how Liberals, Progressives become so convinced of that which is contrary to fact and common sense, such as the current confusion concerning gender identification.

It is because Liberals saturate themselves in the concepts and culture of Liberalism. They have been trained, educated and socialized in the Liberal mindset.

Their heroes, their mentors, their authorities, their information sources are all Liberal.

Their causes, their supporters, their cohorts are all Liberal.

The common bond is a rejection of Biblical revelation and Divine authority. They have accepted, as authoritative, the views of those who reject the rule of God in their lives. Even those who want to be Biblical have exchanged the authority of God and His word for political, economic, racial, academic authority.

This is why BHO, the champion of murdering babies by beheading is considered to be a hero among great numbers of black Christians. They have allowed the racial, political and economic influence of the godless far left to replace the authority of the Scriptures. It does not matter that he mocked the Bible, Christianity, Christ, sanctity of life and sanctity of marriage, Christian values and racial unity. Solidarity with BHO was more important than standing together with Bible believers. It prevented them from speaking against, voting against a man who was leading America away from Christian, Biblical values and into a hodge podge of Islam, Liberal, Sodomite, Gender bender, Feminist, Humanistic error.

Liberalism is a battle for the mind and soul, and those who do not want to become captive to the Holy God of the Holy Bible choose to be enslaved to the various enemies of the cross. Basically, any port in a storm, to avoid the wind of change emanating from Jesus Christ.

These folks have been lured into the clutches of Liberalism, but then they became saturated. This saturation makes it almost impossible for them to listen to, or consider, the claims of Christ on their lives. Their initial rejection of Divine authority is pampered and fed until it becomes the driving force in their lives. They are on a mission to destroy that which is the greatest threat to their world view, and the greatest threat is God and His word.

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