Saturday, November 4, 2017



Watching a Mormon movie caused me to write this post. I make this point at the end of this article.

Satan is a deceiver, a trickster. Paul, was concerned that Christians would be deceived and led astray by Satan, just as Eve was, in the Garden.

2 Corinthians 11:2-4
(2) For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
(3) But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
(4) For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

This is evident in Mormonism's claim to believe the Bible, but what they really mean is that they believe the Bible as it is explained by their other "sacred writings," since Mormonism teaches that the Bible has been corrupted and changed and distorted, but their so-called "revealed truth" is accurate and corrects the errors of today's Bible.

It is also evident in their claim that they believe there is only one God, when in reality they believe that many gods exist, and in fact they believe that God the Father was once a man, as we are men, and one day we may become gods, as he became a god.

It is evident in their claim that they believe the God of the Bible is the first and last God and there was no gods before Him and there are no gods after Him, but they say that god the father had a father and there were other gods before him and many gods since Him.

It is evident in their claim that they believe in the Trinity (the Biblical revelation that God is One God in Three Persons). They actually believe that the father, son and holy spirit are three separate gods. They use the word godhead, which is Biblical, but they claim there is not only one God and they deny that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three Persons in the Godhead. Mormonism actually believes in polytheism (many gods), which is totally against the Bible, which clearly and consistently declares that there is only One God, in Three Persons.

It is evident in their claim that Adam's eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was actually a loving, redemptive act of submission to God, rather than SIN which the Bible teaches. Mormonism claims that transgression (rebellion or revolting against God's rule) is not sin. The Bible says, "sin is the transgression of the law." God commanded Adam and Even not to eat, which was God's law at that time.


It is evident in the way elders and missionaries and other teachers hide their real beliefs when they are teaching and when they are answering questions about the Bible. They deliberately hide some of the blatantly anti-Biblical teachings of Mormonism.

Many times I have asked questions of Mormon missionaries, knowing the answer before I asked. Often I have told them at the very beginning of the question that I already knew the answer, so please don't lie to me. THEN I ASK THE QUESTION, AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID? THEY LIED TO ME ANY WAY. I would repeat the question and the warning, and they would lie again. Finally, after several rounds of questions and lies they realized that I knew the answer and I knew that they were lying.

There is more to this, but let me get to the final point, concerning Mormons Lie Through Christian Movies.
I will just mention a few points.

First, the message of the movie had some good points, but it was missing some key Biblical concepts, so I began to wonder if it was a Mormon production.

Secondly, the male and female leads were "church" people. They even referred to being saved or salvation. The female, who had supposedly drifted from God was ashamed when the Bible, church or prayer was mentioned. In a few scenes a Bible is show. It was a nice, red, standard sized Bible, with the words, HOLY BIBLE on the cover.

At the end of the movie, when she supposedly "turned back" to God, she is seen picking up her "Bible" as she prepared to go on a trip (supposedly the same Bible we saw earlier).

However, the book is not the same book as seen earlier. It was a very thick, black bound "bible." I figured it was a subtle way to switch to Mormon theology, so I looked online to see what a Mormon "bible" looks like. I figured it would be thicker than the Holy Bible, because their bible includes the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price and the book called, Doctrines And Covenants. I found Mormon "bibles" that looked just like the one in the movie, and yes, they included all three false documents as well as the Holy Bible of God. BAIT AND SWITCH

Now maybe you don't think that is a big deal and maybe it was just an accident. DON'T LEAVE ME NOW.

As I researched information of the film I found out it actually was a Mormon made movie. But you would not know it unless you looked it up. Then came these facts.


Thirdly, Mormons sometimes make movies, with Mormon friendly dialogue and message, and then they remake those same movies to be Christian friendly. They replace the Mormon dialogue and activities, with more Christian markers, in order to draw Christians away from the Bible and the truth of God, into the lies of Mormonism. BAIT AND SWITCH.

Fourthly, not only do they redo the movie and rename the movie, and reword the movie, the names of the actors are different also. NO. I DID NOT SAY THAT THEY CHANGE ACTORS. In fact, they keep the same actors, but CHANGE THEIR NAMES. NO, not the character's names, but THE ACTORS NAMES. If you were looking at a review of this movie, not only does the trailer not tell you that the movie is a bait and switch movie, but they deliberately rename the movie and rename the actors, which erases the Mormon stamp on the movie. BAIT AND SWITCH.

BAIT AND SWITCHED dialogue, message, visual props, title and even the names of the actors are changed to deceive the public. This bait and switch is not accidental or incidental. It is intentional and deliberately deceptive.

Yes, anyone could do this and all religions have been poorly represented by media people from time to time. BUT NOT HERE.


Even the so-called, "Eternal Covenant" of Polygamy was changed by the leadership, in order to get Utah added as a State to the USA.

So-called divine revelations have been changed because of governmental or political or social pressures.

The revelation of the Holy Bible has not changed and it is not deceitful. If you cannot trust the founders and leaders, then the movement is not trustworthy either.

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