Thursday, November 16, 2017


You will notice in my videos and my articles about fishing that I do not hide the fact that I recognize my lack of knowledge, skill, success. I post my failures and my successes. You will notice that I ask questions and observe other people who are more adept and better informed and more experienced than I am.

I work hard at improving my skill, my knowledge, my success. I do it primarily for the benefit of other people, such as family, friends, acquaintances, but especially my grandchildren. I like to catch fish, but I have caught a lot of fish during my life. I still enjoy the challenge and the reward of a good fight, a landed fish, a big fish, a lot of fish, a fish supper. But I want to pass that experience on to others.

uhhmmm, What about THE NET HOUSE?

I am getting there.

I am seventy years old. I grew up fishing with rods, reels and nets. I worked on charter sports fishing boats. I have fished offshore, inshore, in the sound on the beach. I have caught big fish and lots of fish. But different kinds of fishing requires different knowledge and skills and practices. Whatever success in one type of fishing does not always translate into other types of fishing. I ASK FOR HELP BECAUSE I KNOW I NEED IT AND I WANT TO DO A BETTER JOB OF FISHING.


OK, here it is.
The net house (or the boat house, or the fish house) is where fishermen go to get their gear, tackle, boats ready for fishing. It is where many a young person has sat an listened and watch old salts work and talk and demonstrate the art of fishing.

Christians are called to be Fishers of Men. I named our church, THE NET HOUSE because it is a place to come and learn about doing the work of God. Yes, it is a place of worship and praise but it is also a place of sharing, growth, fellowship. Our gathering together as Christians is a time of worship and praise and prayer, but it is also a time to listen and learn, a time to work, serve, fellowship, submit.

Believers should come with an eagerness, an excitement to learn from other seasoned believers about living the Christian life, plying the troubled waters, setting and keeping a course, reaching the lost, weathering the storms, maintaining and mending our relationships.

As a pastor, as a seasoned salt in the sea of life, I want people to come to me for leadership, training, guidance. I want people to look to the "old timers" for help and instruction.

This is what fishermen do. This is what happens at the fish house, the boat house, THE NET HOUSE.

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