Sunday, November 19, 2017


(see previous post and try this out for a Bible study with friends or family.)

God created Adam in His Own image and Eve was taken from the side of Adam, thus sharing the same nature or image of God, therefore God's word says that male and female were created in the image of God.
Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

In the Luke linage Adam is referred to as being the "son of God" (coming from God). This is in a string of verses tracing the lineage of Christ through Mary. Adam was the "son of God" (offspring of God) by creation, not by nature. In other words, God created Adam His own likeness. Adam was not God, nor the Son of God by nature, as in the case of Jesus. Remember, the term, "son of God" is used in various ways in the Bible.

SON OF GOD (as a title).

ANGELS, having been created by God, were called, "sons of God" (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7).

ADAM, the first man created, and created in the image of God was called, "son of God" (Luke 3:38).

JESUS, Who is God by nature, is called, "the Son of God" (John 3:16). Jesus is eternal, He has always been one with the Father and Holy Spirit, but He became a Man (also known as the Last Adam and the Second Man (1 Corinthians 15:45-47), accomplishing what the first Adam failed to do in producing a holy human family. Jesus is both The Son of God and God the Son.

ISRAEL, as a nation, was called the son of God, having been chosen by God as His channel of blessing (Exodus 4:22; Hosea 11:1).

CHRISTIANS are sons of God by redemption (being born of God, John 1:12; 1 John 5:1) and also sons of God by adoption (Romans 8:5).

Though Adam was created in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26), he sinned against God and lost his innocence and holiness of nature, being corrupted by the sinful nature. Adam therefore became the father of a sinful race (Romans 5:12-5:19), passing his own likeness to his descendants (Genesis 5:3) rather than the likeness of God (Genesis 5:1), being the progenitor of the human race.


God was not surprised or caught off guard. He had planned to provide salvation to lost mankind. That is the reason for the first Messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15) and the hope of Eve for a man-child (Genesis 4:1). The promise was for the woman to bring forth a child, which would not be the offspring of a man, but rather from God (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6), who would rule the world in power and peace. This is why the virgin birth was essential (Matthew 1:18-25).

We were all born of the flesh, human and sinful natures, and we all sinned, separating us from God. God's provision for reconciliation regenerates and adopts us into the family of God. We are not children of God by good works, but by faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26).

God designed the human race with the capacity for immortality. However, those who refuse to receive Christ as Savior are still in their sins and therefore separated from God. This is why Jesus said that we must be born again, or born of the Spirit. There must be a natural, a physical birth and there must also be a new birth of second birth or birth of the spirit brought about by the Holy Spirit (John 3:5-7). There will be a resurrection of all people, some to eternal life and some to eternal torment . Those who are born only of the flesh, are also known as children of the devil and will be raised to eternal torment, but those born of the Spirit are part of the resurrection of life (John 5:28-29).

Check your spiritual DNA (your spiritual lineage). If you trust Christ to forgive and transform and empower you to live as His child, you are saved. If you are yet in your sins or trusting in any other deliverance, you are lost forever. We know we are the children of God when we do the will of God (Matthew 12:50; 1 John 3:8-10).

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