As a pastor, I have always had a vision for more ministries than I had parishioners to do the work. This was true when we had over three hundred people attending as well as now, with a church of only 7 adults. It has more to do with me dreaming dreams than it has to do with disinterested parishioners. It has more to do with the needs in our society than it has to do with the willingness of the believers in the congregation.
I have had the privilege to pastor congregations that had an abundance of Spirit led, gifted, exited and empowered believers, who were serving in a multitude of productive ministries, including teaching, preaching, visiting, evangelizing, Bible studies, women's groups, men's groups, youth groups, children's groups, foreign missions, home missions, mercy ministries to the needy, singing, instrumental, bus ministry, facility maintenance, sports program, area shepherd's, helps ministries during times of loss or suffering, printing, recording, visual artistry, camping, and other ministries. Even then I had dreams and visions for more ministries and a need for more people.
Sometimes there are people available to do God's work, but they are not qualified to do the work. This is true in two ways.
1. People are unqualified because they do not have the ability, talent, gift, training or personality for a certain ministry. They have enthusiasm and availability and willingness, but they are not qualified. For instance, someone might want to be part of the music ministry, but they have no ability or talent for music. It would be like having Florence Foster Jenkins want to be the choir soloist in your church.
2. People are unqualified spiritually. It is popular to let people do ministries in the church, based on their abilities or their availability or their willingness or their status (family, finances, friendship). However, God has standards that must be met. His standards are not unreasonable or unreachable. Serving God in ministry position in the church is a privilege, not a right. God has spiritual requirements, lifestyle requirements and among other things, a person must be able to work lovingly with others and must be submissive to authority. Serving God is a team effort, not a lone wolf or free-for-all, do-as-you-please, mob-mentality activity.
If your pastor has a vision for your church ministry, find out what it is and ask God what He would have you do to fit into that mission. Let your pastor know you are interested and available. Be willing to do or not do whatever is good for the body and the outreach of the church. If God gives you a dream or vision, share it with your pastor and let him help you find God's plan to fulfill it.
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