12/27/17 URGENT MESSAGE (repost)
(not because I have nothing new to say, but because this is worth reposting)
Most Christians, most ministries and most ministers either give away or neglect the first five years of children's lives. This is because the Church does not realize the possibilities and opportunities that God has built into children.
REMEMBER, the first five years are the most informative years of a child's life and is the time when the most dramatic brain growth takes place.
REMEMBER, these children are in the first state of grace, making them spiritually sensitive, more open to the Spirit of God and spiritually hungry.
The Church, at large, has believed the lie that children cannot be saved or taught until they are around ten years old.
Not only can small children be saved, they can develop a very advanced and significant relationship with Christ. It is time for the Church to focus on its greatest evangelistic field.
REMEMBER, this is the stage of life when their time, energy, curiosity, trust and interest are not being siphoned off by academics, social obligations, sports, music or other interests. Once they start their schooling, they will spend their attention on more people and activities.
Probably, most pastor/teachers have the gifts to minister to these children, but they have not realized the potential and need. These children are developing their morals and are more submissive to authoritative figures than they will be in a few years. When they are older they will be subjected to influences that are not always concerned with their spiritual development.
Wednesday night I was commenting on the relationship between Trusting and Obeying. I held my hand out and pointed to the back of it and called it Trust; I then turned it over, pointing to the palm and called it, Obey. I then said that Trust and Obey go together, like the flip side of a coin, or the two sides of our hand.
The 4 year old was holding her hand out, turning it back and forth and saying, "Trust and Obey." When we sang the song, she sang along, with the words she knew.
When I asked if Trusting God is good or bad, she said, "good." When I asked if Obeying God is good or bad, she said, "good." When I pointed out that some people don't Trust and Obey God, she spoke up and said, "that is bad."
Teaching our children the letter and spirit of the word of God is not "Brainwashing," it is, "Soul washing."
Ephesians 5:25-26
25 ...Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Only those who are brainwashed by Satan`s Secularism would refer to "Training up a child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6), also known as, "Instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:15-17), as "Brainwashing."
The alternative to Soul washing our children is Soul polluting them or Soul abandoning them or Soul sacrificing them.
Soul washing is Life washing. It is also Soul saving. Why wait until the filth, corruption, decay overwhelms and overshadows a person. Teach them the way they should go while they are young and God will lead them not into temptation, but will deliver them from evil (the evil one).
Jesus came to save His people from their sins. Salvation from sin is both forgiveness for sin and keeping us from sin.
People reject Bible training and Christian child rearing because they don't understand it. I reject secularism because I do understand it. So, who is brainwashed?
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