Wednesday, December 27, 2017



Those who want to remove Christ from the "season" would also remove Christ from history. Remember this as you engage your culture.

This is especially true today, when the snowflakes of society believe that they can remove anything that offends, annoys or disagrees with their "Progressive" point of view.

Not only do they think they have the right to revise history and to deny reality, they believe they have the right to attack others for believing in the things that they personally don't accept.

Think about it. They insist that the celebration of the birth of Christ should not be part of the "Happy Holidays" they celebrate, at the same time of the year as CHRISTmas. They removed His name. They replaced His image. They attack His history. They attack His followers. They deny His record. and existence. They reject His place in society and history. THEY WOULD COMPLETELY REMOVE CHRIST FROM HISTORY IF THEY COULD. And it would not be for "personal" reasons only: they would remove Jesus from history for "the good of society."

I suggested that you keep this in mind as you engage society. My point is that we can witness for Him by bringing people to the reality that they would remove, deny, attack the Son of God, the crucified and risen and only Savior of the world. They hate Him so much that they would either keep Him from coming into this world or they would remove the history of His coming or they would exchange this Gift of God for a worldly "knockoff," which does not divide or offend this modern world.

We need to realize that the world has come to hate the Babe of Bethlehem in a much more volatile way than we have ever seen. This is the time to be bold and proclaim His birth, His sinless life, His atoning sacrifice, His physical resurrection and His soon return.

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