Saturday, December 23, 2017


(if they had their way)

Though they could not remove Christ through abortion or crucifixion, Liberals want to ban or mythologize Christ and His word.
Remember, Liberalism rejects the Biblical record of Christ and subscribe to another Christ (which is actually a false Christ).
Liberalism rejects organized religion and the spiritual nature of man.

They reject His virgin birth, His sinless life, His essential and atoning sacrifice, His physical resurrection.
They reject the Biblical revelation concerning the origin and nature of man, the sinfulness of the human race, the fact of Divine judgment and eternal torment, the exclusive nature of salvation (through faith in Christ alone).

They reject the need for all people, Muslims and Catholics, men and women, Jew and Non-Jew, religious and non-religious to
Believe on Christ as the only way to eternal life and heaven and the Father.
Repent of all sin (including self righteousness and false religious beliefs).
Confess their sins and confess Christ as their only Savior.
Follow Jesus in their every thought of every day.

Liberals believe that the Biblical Jesus is a hindrance to world peace and unity.
LIberals believe in majority rule.
Liberals believe that the Biblical Jesus is an unnecessary affront to Islam.
Liberals believe in aborting, removing unwanted babies before they are born, and Jesus is definitely unwanted by the majority of people.
Liberals, along with other false religions and cults, do not believe the Holy Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God, but that it is the work of narrow minded authoritarians, pushing their own ideas and agenda.

It has been the Liberals in our own country who have led the way to remove the Holy Bible and Christ from the public schools, and moral standards, and societal influence. It is the Liberals who want to take the Christ of the Bible out of Christmas and make Christianity an all inclusive religion, denying the need for a personal relationship in the risen Savior.

No Bible believing, Christ honoring person denies the Lordship of Christ or the authority of the Bible.

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