Thursday, December 14, 2017


Humanistic Psychology is the study of the mind in the absence and rejection of Divine revelation. The Bible does not present a systematic psychology, any more than it presents a systematic zoology, astrology, anthropology, angelology, demonology, or even (systematic) theology, but, as in all of these subjects, the Bible does reveal and address accurately whatever subject, about which it speaks. This includes the human mind, whether in a right relationship with God or not.

Accurate and true understanding of the human mind cannot be attained or obtained without a proper understanding of God and His word. Remember, humans are spiritual beings, and have spiritual needs that only God can meet. Human (not Humanistic) psychology can be helpful, as long as it does not conflict with Divine revelation. Otherwise, the assertions of psychology are counterproductive to normal and healthy development. (No wonder our society is so messed up).

The supposed 16 Personality Types or the Four Temperaments are terms and tools, which psychology uses in describing human behavior, thinking and relationships. Some of the observations are accurate, but they must not conflict with Divine revelation. And remember, most psychology is humanistic, therefore we need to know what God's word says about our desires, fears and behavior.

With this as a background I encourage people to find the weaknesses and flaws in themselves, even after they are converted and filled with the Holy Spirit. God continues to work in our lives, perfecting us, conforming us to His Own likeness after we are saved and sanctified wholly.

Sadly, most people won't even get saved.
Sadly, few of those who get saved will go on to the fullness and purity of the Holy Spirit.
Sadly, very few of those who get saved and entirely sanctified by the Holy Spirit will continue to follow Christ fully and grow in grace and knowledge, by bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, which will add Christlike traits and remove less desirable traits.

Put simply, we all need to be changed as long as we live in this world. Salvation comes in a moment and is maintained by submissive faith, but growth change comes more slowly, as we submit to God's leading.

As I have said elsewhere, "If your salvation does not change you, you need to change your salvation."

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