Sunday, October 22, 2017



As I was transferring my old articles, I came across this post from a little over 4 years ago. On its own merit it is worth sharing, but it has added significance because two of the people mentioned in this article will be visiting with us in church this weekend. YOU CANNOT GET SAVED AT TOO YOUNG OF AN AGE.

08/29/13 Wednesday Study NEVER TOO YOUNG

Praise the Lord for a good study/fellowship last evening. I addressed these issues...

1- Being where God wants us... NOW, While It Is Easy and LATER, When We Are Under Fire.

2- The wisdom of man denies the glory of God and robs believers of their Blood Bought Freedom From Sin and their Spirit Endowed Power Of God.

3- Sharing Our Testimony With Others.

Concerning Personal Testimony, I gave each person an opportunity to tell about the occasion that they first received Christ into his heart/life. I was not asking for just the human act of repentance or prayer or consecration or commitment to be a better person; I was asking for the time Christ entering their lives.

Every adult had a testimony and every child acknowledged their own real relationship with Christ. Even the five year old was eager to tell his story. He remembered (about) a year ago when the Lord spoke to him and he asked Jesus to forgive him and come into his heart, and help him be a good boy. He says Jesus came into his heart. Each of the children present know that there was a time that they became a Christian.

Remember, we do not push and pressure anyone for decisions or commitments, even our children. There is no value in a false salvation, or confession under human duress. In fact, there is great danger of the child resenting the gospel and rejecting the call of God. If God does not convict, convince and convert a person, then it is futile for me to try to do it for Him.

If I remember correctly, each child actually came to their parent on their own and told them they needed Jesus (between the ages of 4 and six, I believe).

Two young adults shared their testimonies of childhood salvation. It was Daniel and Nancy. (their sister Cathryn was not here).
Daniel remembers being alone in his room when the Lord spoke to him, when he was about 7 years old. He then sought the Lord and gave his life to Christ.

Nancy remembers coming to the altar at The Church On Higher Ground (our ministry on the mountain). Nancy was very young also.

How wonderful is this for a pastor; to be with them since they were born and then 20+ years later hear them give witness to the saving power of Christ.

This reminds me of a song, which I will not quote, except for the words of the chorus.

But it’s real, it’s real;
Oh, I know it’s real;
Praise God, the doubts are settled,
For I know, I know it’s real!

And think about all of the sin and shame and heartache a young person avoids by following Jesus early. Which causes me to break out with the doxology. PTL.

It was a really moving time. We ended the service by singing...

"Into My Heart, into my heart; come into my, heart Lord Jesus. Come in today, come in to stay. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus."

"Thank You Lord, For Saving My Soul. Thank You Lord, for making me whole. Thank You Lord, for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free."

Things Are Different Now, Something happened to me, When I gave my heart to Jesus,
Things are different now; I was changed, it must be, When I gave my heart to Him.

Things I loved before have passed away,
Things I love far more have come to stay.
Things are different now; Something happened that d ay
When I gave my heart to Him.

I hope the words to this old song blesses you
by Eliza E Hewitt (1898).

1- “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father above
No gift so precious to Him as our love;
Softly He whispers wherever thou art,
“Gratefully trust Me and give Me thy heart.”

“Give Me thy heart, give me thy heart”—
Hear the soft whisper, wherever thou art;
From this dark world He would draw thee apart,
Speaking so tenderly, “Give Me thy heart.”

2- “Give Me thy heart,” says the Savior of men,
Calling in mercy again and again;
“Trust in Me only, I’ll never depart—
Have I not died for thee? Give Me thy heart.”


3- “Give Me thy heart,” says the Spirit divine;

“All that thou hast to My keeping resign;
Grace more abounding is Mine to impart—
Make full surrender and give Me thy heart.”


DLG closing thought.
Something to Think About...
The longer you wait to get saved, the harder it is and the less likely you will.

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