Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Through the years I have heard people refer to the differences between sinning religion and Biblical salvation in a lighthearted and frivolous way, as if the differences are simply perceived rather than actual. People will say that Wesley, along with Arminius will be sitting with Calvin, laughing about the silly arguments over doctrine, while people were on earth.

THOSE PEOPLE ARE MISTAKEN (I actually was thinking, they are nuts. Please read the rest of this article to see why I say this).

FIRSTLY, we don't know that any of them will in heaven, though we hope all three will be there.

SECONDLY, the disagreement may bear the name of the men I just mentioned, but the disagreement is not about the doctrines of those men, it is about the doctrines of light and darkness.

, no one will be in heaven who trusts in the doctrines of (a) unilateral and unconditional election, no one will be in heaven who trusts in the doctrine of (b) irresistible grace, no one will be in heaven who trusts in the doctrine of (c) so called perseverance of the saints (aka once saved always saved and "eternal security").

If a person trusts in unilateral unconditional election, then he is not believing the Biblical revelation of God concerning his responsibility, obligation to willingly exercise saving faith, confess his sins, confess Christ before men, turn from sin and turn to God, and to follow Jesus. A person may give lip service to those false doctrines, but actually follow Biblical directives.

If a person trusts in irresistible grace, then he is believing "another gospel" and does not take the revelation, the commands, the requirements of God concerning holiness, obedience, faithfulness and judgment seriously. A person may give lip service to the doctrine of being "saved by presumption" rather than "saved by faith," but actually obey God.

If a person trusts in "eternal security," then he is presuming on God rather than trusting in God. That person will sin and deny that repentance for that sin is essential, and that person will walk in darkness, falsely thinking that God has "paid his penalty" and therefore he is not accountable.

, the belief in Limited Atonement (along with the belief in the attending false doctrines) will convey to other people that it is not essential for them to act in saving faith to the call of God. Sadly, there are those who will claim to believe the doctrines of presumption, but then they will personally walk in what light they have, while misleading and damning those who take their errant words seriously.

I am sure I have a FIFTHLY, SIXTHLY, SEVENTHLY, but let me give 2 FINAL points.

FINALLY #1, if Calvin did not repent of his own sins, such as murder in the name of Jesus, then Calvin will not be in heaven and he won't be laughing in hell. Likewise, if anyone has sin in his or her own life when they die they will not be in heaven and they won't be laughing about anything, much less damnable doctrines.

FINALLY #2, if, by the grace of God, Calvin did repent of his sins, and if he did get to heaven, he will not be laughing about the false doctrines he preached and taught, which became stumbling stones that withheld the light of salvation from millions of people. Neither will Wesley, Arminius nor anyone else be thinking that the damnable heresies that are espoused by sinning religion are simply mistakes of human perception. Too many people have believed these lies and therefore presumed on God for the salvation that required actual, active living, saving faith.

I am sure I have a FINALLY #3 and #4, but you should get my point.

Sinning religion is not the same as Biblical salvation. It is another doctrine and it is the same old lie of the Serpent in the Garden, which says, "Disobedience Will Not Separate You From God."

And that is not simply perception and it ain't funny either.

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