Monday, October 2, 2017



HOW TO: Revitalize Believers, Restore Relationships: Revolutionize Churches.

God would work a miracle of revival if believers would sit together in loving, face to face, heart to heart, honest, open sharing.

If a passage of Scripture is mentioned in the study session, such as, "How pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity," then believers should be able to ask, as well as offer counsel on personal unity with others.
What is there in my life that stands between me and other people?
How can I change or improve my relationship with other people, including family, fellow believers, friends, co-workers?
Is my talk" of faith consistent with my "walk" of faith?

There should be a spiritual leader who guides the group.
Participants must be open to other people's evaluations and be willing to take loving criticism.
Participants need to desire personal change and Divine leading in, and for, their lives.
Participants need to come to meeting with a deep desire to be conformed to the mage of Jesus.
If a person cannot take counsel, they are not allowed to give counsel.
Counsel must be based on Scriptural principles.
It must not turn into a criticism fest.
It must be said, and done, in humility and love.

The problem is that people are more interested in protecting, "their space" rather than "taking new ground for Jesus."
But what would God do if folks met in unity?

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