I shared with a friend,
"It is not our proximity to God and spiritual opportunities in time or space that determines our spiritual success. It is our proximity in saving faith."
God breathed into Adam's nostrils, the breath of life.
God gave Adam worldly power and possession beyond measure.
God visited with Adam in the Garden.
Yet Adam turned from God.
Cain and Abel were raised in a home with every blessing possible.
Yet Cain hated and killed his brother and turned from the God of mercy, kindness, grace and restoration.
The world of Noah lived at the dawn of history and experienced Divine presence and salvation and the greatest of prophetic ministries through Enoch and Noah.
Yet the world in Noah's day continued to resist and reject the God of justice and judgment.
The sons of Noah were delivered from the world wide flood and given an opportunity to begin anew, leading a new world into faith, peace, joy, love and truth.
Yet Ham was quick to mock and defame his godly father, and Shem and Japheth begat nations, which quickly and determinedly turned from God to the gods of their own making.
Abraham's son's saw the mighty hand of God; and fell heir to the glorious beneficence of God; being the only heirs to a title deed to the land of Israel; and being promised by God to bring forth the Anointed and Appointed Messiah of God, Who is the Divine Sacrifice for sin, the Resurrected Conqueror of death, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One Who would sit on the throne of David and reign over His people in an earthly kingdom for one thousand years, the One Who will judge all men according to the deeds they have done in the flesh, the One who will rule over the New Heaven and New Earth and New Jerusalem, forever.
Yet Israel turned from God, time and again and ultimately have been cut off for a period of time.
God used Joseph, the despised brother of Jacob's sons to miraculously deliver his family from famine, by bringing them to Egypt. They became comfortable in a foreign land and eventually became ensnared by political intrigue. After being enslaved for some time, God provided Moses to lead them out of bondage and return them to their homeland. God conquered Egypt and other enemies and God miraculously provided food, water, guidance, healing, protection throughout their 40 year sojourn in the wilderness.
Yet Israel turned to a golden calf and to the gods of Canaan.
The people of Israel benefited from the leadership of God through various "judges," which eventuated in Israel taking its place among the nations. God gave Israel extraordinary leadership through Kings Saul, David and Solomon, extending its borders, fortifying its strength, increasing its wealth, establishing its position.
Yet the nation of Israel rebelled against God and suffered a civil war, which led to the rise and fall of two great nations, Israel and Judah.
God continued to call His people back to Himself through the prophets, allowing them to repent time after time.
Yet Israel and eventually Judah both turned from the God of their fathers, until God stopped speaking to them for 400 years.
God took steps toward renewing His people by fulfilling His promise to send a Sacrifice, in the person of His only begotten Son. God's gift was heralded by angels, attested by miracles, authenticated by Old Testament laws, types and prophecies, ultimately dying and raising Himself from the dead.
Yet Israel chose to receive Him not.
The followers of Christ watched His daily life, heard His Divine proclamations, witnessed His glorious power, experienced His marvelous mercy.
Yet Judas turned from following, the other disciples denied Him and His friends and family sought to save their own lives, after He died according to His own words.
The people of Israel were witnesses to His victory over death and they were the recipients of Divine revelation and intervention.
Yet the early church soon turned away from the truths that Christ had revealed.
THEREFORE, it does not matter how close people are to God in time or space, it is the presence of saving faith that draws people close to God. We determine our own closeness or distance from the Person of Christ, based on our love, faith, submission.
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