08/24/17 A REPOST
I thought some of you might enjoy this post from March 17, 2011. It is a midweek service with me teaching Entire Sanctification to the children.
Wow, you should have been here.
After I gave short update on personal witnessing, the children (4-7 year olds) asked questions and made observations.
Their thoughts were more intelligent, insightful and challenging than most adults.
God helps me explain theological/practical/doctrinal concepts in terms they understand.
Vocabulary, not concepts are complicated.
The 7 year old asked what Sanctification is.
I made a fist with right hand and covered it with my left hand.
I said that the fist was the evil seed we all had in our hearts when we were born.
I extended index finger on right hand, between index and middle fingers of my left hand. This was the outgrowth of the sinful attitude representing anger.
I did the same with the other fingers, naming each one for a sinful behavior (stealing, lying).
The children added DISOBEYING PARENTS.
I said we need to have those bad things taken away (at which time I withdrew my extended fingers).
I asked them who takes away sin; they said Jesus/God.
I pointed out that we still have the bad seed (sinful attitude) called the Old Man. I asked what would happen if the bad seed stayed in us after we get saved. They said we would do bad things/sin again.
A six year old asked if we have a good seed.
I explained that the Old Seed (nature/attitude) stays, but God gives us a New Seed (nature/attitude) when we get saved.
I told them that these two attitudes are at war with each other.
I told them that God wants to remove the Bad Seed and that is what we mean by Entire Sanctification.
One of them asked if that meant we would never sin again.
I explained that we can still sin after God takes away the bad attitude, but we will not have desire to sin on the inside.
I explained that Adam did not have an evil seed, but he had a free will. When we are Sanctified we do not have the evil attitude, but we can still sin.
I built a little fort with books on the floor. I said the fort is us.
I put an object that represented the bad seed in the fort.
I asked, Who Is Trying to Attack Your Fort?
They said, the Devil.
I took the "bad seed" out and said the Devil is still attacking their fort.
I said the devil gets into us through different doors, EYES AND EARS... at which time one of them blurted out MOUTH.
Anyway, this is how it went for about an hour. I finally had to draw it to a close.
It was GREAT.
I ended with a challenge for everyone to let Christ fill them and to share the Good News with other people