Sunday, July 9, 2017

04/21/17 A LITTLE LATE

04/21/17 A LITTLE LATE


OKAY, I am late for April Fool's Day, but if you are following your negative inclinations, I guess everyday is Fool's Day.

First, God and His word clearly tells us that there are dangers with giving time, energy, or voice to worrying, complaining, criticizing, doubting, whining. This behavior is WRONG in itself and it leads to more wrong and it enslaves the person doing it and it is debilitating to those who hear and see it.

Second, Successful people (whether Christian or not) in business, sports, music, as well as effective mentors and teachers recognize the destructive powers of negativity. Those who are successful, or teach the principles of success, are quick to say that entertaining negativity will drain your energy, distract your focus, poison your resources, repulse your acquaintances, discourage your partners and scuttle your crew.

I have seen the success of motivational speakers and writers. Lives are changed, It does not result in salvation, but it does have a positive impact on those who apply the principles. And why shouldn't it? After all, positivity and hope and faith are all Divine principles of life.

However, I opted out of the motivational speaker class to be a preacher of the good news and salvation of God, which also includes Biblical principles of successful living. Besides, as a Christian I choose not to honor Satan for the evil he throws in my direction. Like it or not, being negative is a Satanic testimony. You can justify it by claiming that you are only being honest, but those who hear the whining often see through the thin layer of excuse making.

Listen, negativity begets negativity. I have said that nothing fails, like failure. Negativity not only syphons time, energy, focus, talent; negativity also spreads and consumes and robs your potential and future opportunities.

The devil has led some people to believe that there is something noble about being negative or defeatist. Choosing to live under a dark cloud indicates a major attitude flaw and even character weakness.


I realize that none of my friends fit into this profile, but maybe you have a friend who does. Why not repost this and just say that you found this interesting. Then your negative friends can be upset with me, until they realize that they can face their failure with positivity, hope and faith, and change their direction.

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