Sunday, July 9, 2017

04/19/17 XYZ

04/19/17 XYZ

This is the little code that folks use to alert a friend that a wardrobe malfunction is about to take place (eXamine Your Zipper).

In this case I am alerting folks to an attitude malfunction or a spiritual malfunction. I am saying,


We Zoom in on objects we want to see more clearly, or things we want to emphasize to other people. Well, examine your ZOOM. Be careful with your focus, control your emphasis.

Don't zoom in on the problems of life (especially the minor or silly or insignificant ones). Of course, the problem with some folks is that they can pamper a minor problem until it is a full blown disaster or they can feed a trifling difficulty until it is a gigantic obstacle. I really can't help those folks, because they like personal drama.

So, here is my XYZ today.
Before you whine and complain today, make sure that the problem is worthy of the effort, and deserves the energy and breath, and it is what you want to be remembered for the rest of the day.

Oh, and while you are at it, you might want to consider that some of the folks who read or hear your blubbering are people with real problems, life and death problems, eternal destiny problems, total family breakup problems, suffering for their faith problems.

Don't let it bother you that you are representing yourself as a child of God, who has everything that is necessary for life and godliness, and God has given His Son that you might be more than a conqueror, etc, etc, etc. YET all you can do is mulligrub about your life.

One other thought. How about God gets as much time for the good things in your life as Satan gets glory for raining on your parade?

Maybe you will get "lucky." Maybe one day you will be overwhelmed with major problems. Then you can bellyache as much as you want. (But God will still not get glory from that either.)

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