Sunday, July 9, 2017

04/15/17 HE LIVES

04/15/17 HE LIVES

Abraham told his servants that after he would make his sacrifice on the mount, he would return with Isaac. Remember, God had told Abraham to sacrifice his son, his only son, Isaac, whom he loved. Abraham knew full well what it meant. He would put the knife to his son, and then burn the sacrifice.

Abraham knew that after he had obeyed God fully, he would have his son alive, because Isaac was the promise of God, and Abraham knew that God would not go back on His promise.

Isaac, being a teenage boy could certainly have escaped or possibly overpowered the very aged Abraham, but he realized there was no animal to be sacrificed and willingly submitted to be placed on the altar. He watched as Abraham raised the knife over him.

BUT GOD, who is rich in mercy and love and grace, stopped Abraham and we know that He provided a ram, which had gotten caught in the thicket. And true to his word, Abraham returned to the foot of the mount, with Isaac.

GOD, on the other hand, the Father went with His Son Jesus, to Calvary and did not spare Him. The Father gave the Son, loving those who caused His death; Jesus gave His life willingly and completely and cried out, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do; later he cried, "It is finished." The Son died and darkness covered the land. The Son did not walk down from the mount; He was carried to a tomb and the tomb was sealed.

But in three days, He raised Himself and He walked out of that tomb, having conquered sin and death, and He now sits at the right hand of the Father.

If you look for Jesus, forget the tomb, He is not there, for He is risen, as He said.

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