Saturday, July 8, 2017



In all of my counseling, my objective has always been to lead the counselee into the will, the likeness and the power of Christ. God does not will for us to simply have the outward appearance (form) of godliness, He wants us to be godly.

Husbands are not simply to be the head of the family, they are to be the sacrificing and loving head of the family, who sanctifies and serves the family, as Christ did for the Church.

Wives are not simply to be obedient to their husbands, they are to submit and serve their husbands from their inner desire, as the Church is to submit and serve Christ.

A husband is to love his wife, even if she is not a believer.
A wife is to obey her husband, even if he is not a believer.

As a follower of Christ and as the head of my home, I always felt like it was my God appointed duty to lead in the way of fulfilling God's directives in the home. It is not only my duty, it is my opportunity to show the beauty of Christ to my wife and children. My objective is not to get empty shell submission from my wife. I want her to submit because she loves Jesus first and loves me next.

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