Saturday, July 8, 2017



Those who take time to look at, or read my FB posts know that I am all over the board with my articles, and you know that I do not avoid political issues or schooling issues or moral issues or family issues or doctrinal issues, or social issues, or church issues, or cult issues.

CONCERNING AMERICA'S POLITICAL, GOVERNMENTAL AND SOCIAL WOES, since the late 70's I have been crying out loudly and clearly about the actual direction this country was going as our country was becoming more and more antagonistic to the Holy Bible and Christianity. Today we hear a vast array of people BEGINNING to parrot the ideas that I clearly addressed.

WHAT IS MY POINT? I am not pointing to MYSELF. I am saying that if America had been listening to the warnings, preached by Bible preachers, then maybe we could have made a difference in the lives of untold millions of Americans today.

I was called an ALARMIST, a RADICAL, an "ISSUES" PREACHER. No! I was a Bible preacher that told the truth about all these sensitive, favored, and protected zones of political correctness. I warned parents about the dangers of Humanistic Secularism which had taken over our Public School System, and I warned folks about government intrusion and the rising persecution of believers and the overthrow of family and Biblical values.

We are now on life support, rather than the road to recovery. We are troops taking a last stand instead of an army taking the palace. It is almost too late to wake sleeping "Christians" up, but now is the time to RISE UP O MEN OF GOD.

Romans 13:11-12
(11) And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
(12) The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

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