Saturday, July 8, 2017



Who doesn't want a PERSONAL ADVISOR or PERSONAL TRAINER? Whether it is sports, academics, business, finance, health, computing, exercise or interpersonal relationships. Even the most accomplished people have specialists that advise them or train them.

Obviously, the most important Personal Advisor/Trainer is the Holy Spirit. But this post is addressing the most important human PA/PT.

I contend that the most important PERSONAL ADVISOR, PERSONAL TRAINER you can have is a pastor that has his credentials with God. I am not negating or belittling the importance of formal ministry schooling. Sadly, there are few who actually get formal training in Bible, Theology, Ministry. However, there are great numbers of men who have been schooled and mentored, but they do not hold credentials with God.

The credentials, to which I am referring, are God's calling, gifts, training, anointing, enlightenment, enabling, vision, spiritual transformation and growth. This requires a close and knowledgeable relationship with God, the Bible, prayer, people, and ministry types.

Your pastor is God's appointed Personal Advisor, Personal Trainer. Not only does he have the education, he has the advantage and opportunity and responsibility to give himself more fully to the work of ministry than anyone else you know. He spends hours and hours studying and praying and worshiping and praising, before he pours himself out in service to you, your family and other people.

He has your personal needs in mind as he lives his day in service to God. He is dedicated to your success and victory. He serves because he loves you. He is led by God to lead you and your family

Yet, very (very very) few people see their need for this man of God in their own lives. Very few yield to his leadership, seek his wisdom, draw from his knowledge and love, follow his counsel. How else can we explain the huge success in secular pursuits, and the paltry life of Christians. The greatest work in the world gets the least commitment.

Those who pay for Personal Advisors or Trainers in the secular world often succeed. Those who accept and follow the authority of false prophets often succeed in their misguided and dark endeavors. But Satan has soured most people against God's plan for personal achievement.

Remember, the God of the Holy Bible requires us to totally surrender and fully follow Him. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness, such as His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit, His word, His Church and His ministry leaders.

As a church grows in numbers, the pastor needs to teach, disciple other men so that they might also do the work of ministry (2 Timothy 2:1-2). This is God's plan for His local churches. God even refers to the work of pastoring as managing or leading or ruling the church (1 Timothy 3:5). The pastor and other elders of the church set the tone for the entire congregation. They should lead, not just by appointment, but by example.

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