Friday, July 7, 2017


(two related absurdities)

#1 Those who believe in the FALSE DOCTRINE OF UNILATERAL AND UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION, often say that it is UNTHINKABLE for ANYONE to believe that a human being has as much to say about his own salvation as God does. They want it to sound as if God has lost His power and Deity just because man exercises his free will (which God actually gave to him and enables him to exercise). In other words, they mistakenly believe that God decides who He will save and who will be damned, without man having a choice. They believe that humans are not required to repent, or believe, or confess in order to be saved, (though God's word requires all three actions). They believe that somehow God is not sovereign if anyone has a free will. (How strange is the doctrine, that a sovereign God cannot give anyone a free will and still be sovereign.) This is ridiculous. God's sovereignty is not threatened by any one rebelling against His supreme and final authority. God does not give anyone ALL POWER and ALL AUTHORITY. God gives the freedom and power of choice to humans, but He does not give them freedom from Divine judgment and consequences.


#2 Those who believe...
* That humans do not have a free will, and
* That all human activity (sin included) is the result of Divine fiat, and they also believe
* That it is an ATTACK and INSULT on God's nature and authority, and a DENIAL of God's word to say that humans have a free and actual choice in their salvation,

Therefore THEY ARE LEFT with the inevitable conclusion that God is the AUTHOR and PROMOTER of SIN, and that He not only ALLOWS SIN (WILLS and DETERMINES SIN), but God then punishes people for sinning and for rejecting salvation.

But they think this belief is not contrary to the revelation of God.

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