Friday, July 7, 2017



Here is a post from 8 years ago. Still current.

(March 13-18)

Pinky asked, “Brain, what are we going to do tonight?”
Brain said, “The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world.”

Why is it that so many of the wrong people have the right idea but so few of the right people have the right idea? Godless governments, Christ-less cults, greedy money grubbers and even cartoon critters have causes that motivate them to take over the world.

Taking over the world cannot be done in our spare time or with extra change.
Consider the Muslims, the Mormons and the misnamed Jehovah Witnesses. They all have a different Jesus, a different gospel and a different spirit (2 Co. 11:4) than what the Bible presents, but they are all driven with the same consuming desire to take over the world. While their cause is not worthy, their zeal is noteworthy.
Some of these groups have young adults that support themselves for two years in "missions" service to their religion. They put their lives, their careers, their families, their education on hold for the cause of their religion.
Some young men and women forego family life altogether to promote the false doctrines of pagan religion.
Some young men and women tie bombs to themselves and die in the name of their god.
Yet, the numbers of those who are brought up with the Gospel of Christ are leaving the Church by the multitudes.

Unbridled commitment is found in ideologues, military rulers and captains of industry as well as religious zealots. Their messages are wrong, their methods are wrong but their sacrifice to success is far beyond that of their Christian counterpart, who is vision-less and passionless. In fact, the worldlings have adopted the marching orders that Jesus gave to the Church, when He said, "Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations."

But Where Is The Church?
The Bible says that he who wins souls is wise (Pr. 11:20), yet most who believe themselves to be believers in Christ will spend their lives promoting the passing fancies of this world, but never take the Great Commission personally or seriously.

While the Church at large is "at ease in Zion," the lost are plunging into hell. Over 70,000 die every day in the 10/40 window without ever hearing the gospel. It is said that over 230,000 people die every day. If ten percent of that number is saved (not likely) then over 200,000 die every day without Christ.

Christians cannot, should not, count on the kingdoms of this world to win the lost.
Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world (Jn. 18:36).
The Bible says that the kings of this world rage against God (Ps. 2:2).
In fact, the whole world is in wickedness (1 Jn. 5:19) under the power of the Prince of Darkness (Ep. 2:2; 1 Co. 3:4).
Some of them act in principle (legislation, philosophy, education, religion) and others act in violence (persecution, oppression, opposition).
They wield the power of the sword of steel (Ro. 13:4).
God is not pleased with wicked leaders (Ps. 110:5-6; Pr. 16:12; Pr. 25:5)
God has given the power of the Sword of the Spirit to Christians (Ep. 6:17), yet they seldom wield it in battle against the powers of darkness (Ep.6:12).

Our hope is not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Someone has said, "When the power of love replaces the love of power, there will be peace." At least there will be an active army following the Prince of Peace. B.J. Thomas sang, "Loving people and using things, rather than loving things and using people." It is understandable that the world is confused, but the Church should understand these things.

Paul said,
1 Corinthians 15:34

(34) Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

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