Friday, July 7, 2017


(good news or bad news, you choose)

Fire is inevitable. It will either be Holy Spirit fire that cleanses and purifies the heart and life, or judgmental fire, which will destroy the sinner, and eventually the entire world. Remember, God is a consuming fire.

We will either harden our hearts to God, like clay in the oven, or we will soften our hearts to God, like wax in the sunlight. We will either receive the light and fire of the Holy Spirit and be transformed from light to light, or we will resist and reject God's call, and suffer the fury of God's judgment.

If we turn toward the Light that God shines on us, it will ignite into a flame of redemption, and then, when we are Baptized with the Holy Spirit, the fire will explode, purifying our heart, filling our soul, enlightening our way, empowering our life, and then torching the lives of those around us.

If we allow the spark of anger, pride, rebellion, lust, or selfishness to go unchecked, it will grow and set our heart aflame, becoming a raging inferno of corruption. As the fire of sin grows it will consume our thoughts, words, actions and will spread to others, devouring family, friends and the world around us.

Choose your fire carefully.

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