Friday, July 7, 2017



Sometimes I don't even think about it, since I was delivered

(this may be helpful to someone)

I recently had an aggravating irritation on my foot, and I waited to see if the problem would go away. I eventually realized that it was going to require some medication applied. I immediately found some relief, but it took a few days before the irritation was gone. I don't know when it happened, but this morning I realized that it had been a while since I was bothered by the problem and that I had not used the medication for a while.

Wow, Praise the Lord.

Then I thought about how I had been plagued with sin sickness during my carnal teenage years, unable to shake its grip on my life (Ro. 7:14-17). Sin would not go away on its own and I could not get rid of it by my own will. Even if I could shed myself of the outward demonstrations of my inner sin corruption, I could not rid my soul of its guilt, filth, shame and torment (Ro. 7:24-25).

Then I believed His Spirit and yielded to God's grace and He forgave me of my sins and cleansed me of my double mindedness (Ro. 8:3-6; Ja. 4:8; Ps, 24:3-5). Since I had lived as a carnal Christian for a period of time, I had become accustomed to its presence, and to the idea that I might have to struggle with it whenever temptation would come.

But just as the medication took away my irritation problem, setting me free from the nagging reality and constant need to deliberately treat my condition, I came to a point when it hit me; I am not plagued by the same problems that use to control me. No one ever gets to the point that they don't not need a deliberate and personal and constant yielded-ness to Jesus, but a constant and consistent walk with Jesus sets us free from the guilt, corruption and shame. As long as I am in this life I will face outward temptation, but I am not afflicted with inner corruption and torment and sin. I always need the cleansing of the blood of Christ, but I am not plagued by the guilt, pollution and power of sin (1 Jn. 1:7).

The temptations that use to cause me inner upheaval and often led to spiritual failure were no longer the terrifying giants that they had been.
Sometimes I deal with a temptation with almost no thought, and certainly with no inner conflict.
Sometimes the attacks of Satan, from the outside, are strong and seemingly relentless, and I have to fight an intense battle.
But as long as I trust Jesus for deliverance, I am more than a conqueror and I do not go through the inner battle with self (Ro. 8:37; Ga. 5:24-25).

It is not me, but Christ in me that gives me the victory (Ga. 2:20).
Yes, I can sin, but more importantly I can not sin (1 Jn. 3:9).
Yes, I can fail, but more importantly, I can always triumph in Christ (2 Co. 2:14).

Wow, Praise the Lord.

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