Tuesday, March 7, 2017



The song, "The Love Of God," has been on my mind recently. As I reflected on the "...great love wherewith He loved us" I thought about the fact that God loved the most immoral monsters in history. Jesus died for these monsters, but the monsters continue to resist and reject the saving grace of Christ. Here are some of those monsters.

*Hitler is the one who comes to mind immediately, since he was responsible for the murder of 17 million people killed, of which 6+ million were Jews. But there are others who contend for The Greatest Monster In History, such as:
*Mao Zedong, responsible for killing 50 to 80 million people (China).
* Josef Stalin, attributed as the reason for murdering 20 to 60 million people (Russia).
* Tojo accredited with the murder of 5 million people (Japan).
* Pol Pot (Cambodia), *Kim Il Sung (N. Korea) and a host of others.

However, I consider Barack Obama as a candidate. Here is why. Obama has supported and forced the U.S. Government sponsored killing of millions of babies and has participated (knowingly and willingly) in the destruction of the people and nation of Israel.

Obama's baby killing is seen in his support and promotion of late term abortion and partial birth abortion, which allows for the beheading of partially born babies. He has made abortion a State sponsored horror show and he is married to Planned Parenthood, which provides 78% of U.S. abortions. Of those murders, a vast majority are the killing of Black and Hispanic babies, though the population is primarily white. Obama has taken steps to force Christians and other pro-life people to pay for the crime, the sin, the horror of murdering babies. Obama is a rapist of religious virtue.

* Obama was born to a Muslim father (who left Obama when he was two years old).
* Obama was eventually adopted by a Muslim stepfather.
* Obama was educated and trained in Muslim schools as a child.
* Obama has openly declared his admiration of Islam and openly mocked the Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments of the Jews and the Christians), while lauding the Koran of Islam.
* Obama has consistently undermined the stability of Israel, and the right of Israel to exist as a nation. His supposed support of Israel is a smoke screen that actually is designed to choke the life out of Israel. Obama wants to give Israeli territory to Muslims, who want Israel to be destroyed from the face of the earth.

There are many other reasons that Obama ranks with the world's worst people, but these two examples are irrefutable and conclusive to any free thinking person.


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