Tuesday, March 7, 2017

01/02/17 HATERS

01/03/17 "BUT I AM NOT A JEW HATER."

01/03/17Obama openly attacks the God of the Holy Bible, as with all other God haters, Obama loses. (Don't align with Obama)

Obama opened the HATE GATE of the U. N. by refusing to veto the Jew hating world's attack on the borders of Israel, which Almighty God set as part of a continuing covenant with Israel in the Old Testament.

Now the God haters of the world have taken definite steps against Israel AND those who stand with Israel (ANOTHER PROPHECY IS ABOUT TO BE FULFILLED) Remember, in reference to the end times, Jesus said that those who stand against the Jews are standing against Him and those who stand with the Jews are standing with Him.

Watch as the key players, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Russia, Egypt, Libya (WHICH IS ALSO BOLDLY FORETOLD IN SCRIPTURE) are now allowed to forge a demonic force in a final attempt at the "FINAL SOLUTION."

STILL, there are people who do not believe the Holy Bible. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM.

01/03/17 "BUT I AM NOT A JEW HATER."
How does a person, who really is not a Jew hater, become aligned with the end time Satanic attack against Israel? I have watched the brain washing and manipulation of Americans in the past eight years, and it has made it crystal clear how Hitler took control of the German people. Though German people are known for their intellectual acumen, yet they (at large) fell victim to the Satanic rantings and double speak and Antisemitism of Hitler, because they saw him as their champion. People love hero worship.

Some Americans, who would never have thought of themselves as anti-Semitic are now buying into the hate mongering of Obama, just as citizens of other nations have followed the hate mongering of their various heroes, whether political, military, economic, philosophical and pop culture.

Some folks may not agree that Obama is a Jew hater or an Israel hater, based on the idea that he has had Jewish friends. Then again, how do these Liberals feel when a white supremacist says that some of his best friends are NEEEEGROS? Obama has denigrated Jews and the nation of Israel (along with the Bible and Christianity and white people) for years.

OK, let me use another argument. A great number of Americans would have responded indignantly and vociferously if someone had accused them of being aligned with monstrous fundamentalist Muslims who behead their victims. YET, these same Obama followers approve of Obama's policy and program of beheading little children, so that they will never see the light of day. MONSTERS ALL.

Well, I probably lost my Liberal friends with this post. But this is how people, who are otherwise not Jew haters become active and vocal opponents to the Biblical plan of God to restore Israel to its rightful land in the last days. THEY FOLLOW THEIR LEADER, and he has led them astray.

Well, don't we all follow our leaders? OF COURSE WE DO, BECAUSE THEY ARE OUR LEADERS. This is why it is essential that you choose your leader carefully.

CHOOSE JESUS, or you are choosing eternal suffering.

OH, AND BTW, these Liberals are such a sad story. They act like they LOVE EVERYONE, and then they get on all of the latest Liberal HATE TOURS, like...
hate babies,
hate old white guys,
hate Jews,
hate police,
hate military,
hate Christians,
hate the Bible.

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